Saturday, June 2, 2012

Remove pesticides from your food

Ideally you want to wash all your fruits & veggies with vinegar spray or soak; but pls make sure to at least spray with vinegar the DIRTY DOZEN* fruits & veggies that are know to be heavily sprayed.

Water/Vinegar Soak Recipe:
Ratio 1:3 (1Vinegar:3Water)

Vinegar Spray Recipe:

Important Note on VINEGAR:
Make sure your white vinegar is made from natural ingredients, label says 'grain alcohol' or 'neutral grain spirit' and avoid 'synthetic alcohol' as it's likely petroleum based.

*you can find the list at my post: Dirty Dozen

Clean 15 (wt Least Pesticides)

 What fruits/veggies are safe to buy organic?? The following 13

  1. Onions
  2. Sweet Corn (BUT it's Genetically Modified)
  3. Pineapple
  4. Avocado
  5. Asparagus
  6. Sweet Peas (Again it's Genetically Modified)
  7. Mangoes
  8. Eggplant
  9. Cantaloupe
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cabbage
  12. Water Melon
  13. Sweet Potato
  14. Grape Fruit
  15. Mushroom

You may also be interested in my post Dirty Dozen 

Dirty Dozen (with the most pesticides)

This is a quick reference to help you shop for organic for the most heavily sprayed fruits & vegetables. If you don't/can't buy organic, check out my other post: Remove pesticides from your food
  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Spinach
  5. Nectarine
  6. Grapes (imported)
  7. Bell peppers
  8. Potatoes
  9. Blue Berries
  10. Lettuce
  11. Kale/collard greens

You may also be interested in my post: Clean 15

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Vaccination Summary

MANY different reasons why many parents from all different backgrounds and levels of education and socioeconomic status are beginning to choose to forego vaccinations:

1.      Medically the argument is that there just isn’t enough evidence to support the claim that vaccines are safe or effective and incalculable evidence that points to vaccines being linked to serious side effects. The only large-scale research out there is the research done by the vaccine manufacturers themselves and not one of them has been conducted SOLELY on the side effects or long term effects of vaccines. There have been NO long term studies on the side effects of vaccines. The studies the vaccine-makers use to determine the safety of vaccines only follows participants "for hours, several days , and occasionally for a few weeks longer... autoimmune responses may take months, even years, to emerge." There have been no large scale studies specifically testing to see if SIDS, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, Guillain bare syndrome, ADHD, asperger's, spectrum disorders, eczema, childhood arthritis, chronic bronchitis in children, dyslexia, neurological disorders, recurrent ear infections, allergies… are related to vaccines. The list goes on and on with conditions that medical doctors across the globe have linked to vaccines. The CDC gets thousands of reported cases of vaccine damage a year and admits that the cases are LARGELY under reported. No one has investigated the genetic predispositions which may be causing some children to react to vaccines this way, no one tests your child before injecting them with known toxins, no one screens for tendencies toward illness.

2.      As for the common sentence that ‘vaccinations has been given to generations and generations and the benefits outweigh the risks and we are all healthy.’ In addition to #1, we can refute it also by stressing on the fact that we are not healthy, nor are our child. The diseases marked in yellow above and many others are becoming more common. (Below is a longer reply to refute this common misconception that we are the biggest long-term proof on vaccination safety).

3.      As for the claims that vaccines eradicated diseases such a polio in the United States there is graphical evidence to the contrary. Looking at the graphs reporting the time frames of the rise and fall of these specific diseases you will see that reported cases were on STEEP declines years before the vaccines were ever introduced. The natural decline in such diseases can be attributed to much safer medical practices and drastically better sanitary conditions everywhere in the world; and the fact that on our planet all organisms come to a peak in population growth and die off within a certain amount of time (any and all organisms). As I learned in a Population, Genetics, Ecology and Evolution class in college every organism within a population controls itself naturally, without outside interference. It has very low population and it grows, then is naturally held in check by mother nature as it dies off. The vaccine makers saw the populations of diseases declining and contributed it to the vaxes without considering all possible causes of the occurrence. (Hey, vaxes were making them billions of dollars, why even try to find another reason?) In the recent past the outbreaks of such diseases in our country happen among people who have been vaccinated -  in all cases 75% or more of the people who acquire the disease report having been vaccinated for that same disease. There are many outbreaks of diseases that were previously completely eradicated being caused SOLELY by the vaccines administered.

The history of polio has been distorted.

The first thing anyone says when you discuss not giving vaccines is 'do you want her to get polio?' Obviously not, although 'getting' polio and being paralyzed are two completely different things, given that 95% of polio cases are asymptomatic. Furthermore, polio has been consistently reclassified over the last 50 years so that many diseases we called polio at one time are no longer called that. This reclassification is not just an American trait, though.
In India in 2012, they celebrated a whole year going by without a polio death. Great news, hey! But have you heard of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis? A new study revealed that rates of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) have increased 1200% since the oral polio vaccine was introduced a decade ago. Bear in mind NPAFP is "clinically indistinguishable" from wild polio.  Clinically. Indistinguishable. We may have eliminated a virus, but we have not eliminated paralysis, which, after all, should have been the goal of the program.
So, has polio been "eradicated" or reclassified?
Also, you most likely source of getting polio in America in the last 60 years was actually from a polio vaccine. In 1955, in what is now referred to as the 'Cutter Incident', 120,000 people were mistakenly vaccinated with live polio. Whoops!

4.       Some would argue that the risks of getting a vaccine are far greater or equal to the risks of catching these diseases. For example in some countries today the measles are just a common childhood disease, like chicken pox were when we were growing up. When you get measles very rarely are there any major complications - you get sick for a week or two and you have natural immunity for life (unlike a vaccines, whose immunity only lasts for ten years or less, if there is any immunity at all!). Many medical professionals would argue that having an aversive reaction to a MMR vaccine is far more likely than having a serious complications from the measles, mumps or rubella in today's society where medical care is so advanced and readily available.

5.      Another argument is that there are vaccines for diseases which your child is extremely unlikely to be exposed to. How likely is a new born or even a child to be exposed to such a disease as Hepatitis B which is usually transmitted sexually or through sharing drug needles? Statistics show that they are actually more likely to have an adverse reaction to a vaccination!

6.      Another argument is that injecting things into our bodies isn’t natural. Normally a disease must pass through many other bodily defenses before it invades your body (nasopharynx, lungs, blood circulation, lymph tissues antibody and cellular protection...). But when you inject something into the body you bypass all of this your defense system has no time to prepare the rest of your body for the infection and this disrupts the natural flow and order of the body and nature in general.

7.      It is also true that not everyone who contracts a disease gets sick. There are many people who are carrying around disease germs, such a the flu for example, that aren’t sick at all and wont get sick. Diseases only harm our bodies if we do not properly care for our bodies or there are other reasons why our immune systems aren't responding properly such as AIDS, medications and other factors. For most of us healthy individuals, If we get adequate nutrition and exercise our bodies are capable of fighting off most disease germs a lot of times without even experiencing any of the symptoms or complications. Being exposed to diseases naturally during childhood "provides immunity against those diseases and may prevent chronic problems later in life". The "human immune system has evolved over tens and thousands of years to respond to and be strengthened by invading disease-causing organisms. If that natural tendency to fight these organisms is taken away through the use of vaccinations, the body just can't do it's job to protect us resulting in all the autoimmune diseases associated with vaxes."

8.      There are those who don't believe it’s right to inject our bodies with chemicals and disease germs and think it’s unnatural to purposely put these known toxins and viruses into our bodies. It’s a fact that vaccines contain toxic materials and elements and many vaccines contain ‘patented’ ingredients that no one knows about. How can I put in the blood of my baby some ‘secret’ ingredient?

9.      In the past it has been necessary for us to put our blind faith in the government, pharmaceuticals and medical profession to decide these things for us, due to a lack of information provided to us on the topic. Many people in the medical profession give vaccines with good will, as they would do to their own beloved children. But when you know the FACT that the pharmaceuticals are the ones behind vaccines, behind research, behind medical curriculum, behind FDA regulations and etc. Are pharmaceuticals really concerned about our health or about the multi-billion industry? We no longer need to blindly trust WHO, government regulations and doctors, no longer should doctors blindly believe in and implement what is passed on to them from pharmaceuticals, medical journals and etc. that because of the vast amounts of alternative information and evidence available to us. We can stop being sheep and pave our own path for the life and health of our children.

My Birth Plan - Kareem

It gives me great comfort and relief to be able to share my birth plan with you. Thank you for putting the time and interest to read it; I trust that you will respect my plan and help me apply it.
We trust that you will explain and ask for our consent before every single procedure that you perform on mother and on baby -routine and other- from the time admitted until discharged from the hospital. This is very important for me so I can relax and give you my full cooperation.

* Pls conduct as minimal vaginal/internal exams as possible, pls keep in mind:
o Permission must be asked to lessen resistance of muscles
o First gently place finger on the rim and hold still for a few seconds, and once you feel sphincter relax, slowly and gently move inside
* To be sent back home if I’m not in real labor
* To stay hydrated by drinking clear fluids instead of an IV; heparin lock instead of an IV
* No antibiotics to be given to mother or baby
* To eat & drink if I wish to (water, clear apple juice, dates)
* To move around and try different positions during labor, listening to my body&whatever feels right at the time
* To be allowed to progress free of stringent time limits
* I request time to labor naturally with no artificial induction or augmentation, pls No Pitocin
* Intermittent external monitoring for baby (not continuous fetal monitoring)
* Pain relief: Please don't offer me pain medication. I'll request it if I need it.
* When it’s time to push, I’d like to do so instinctively; I’ll request to be coached if I need to
* No episiotomy, instead I kindly request the midwife to massage the perineum before & especially during the pushing stage. If it becomes necessary upon the crowning of baby's head, I’d like pressure episiotomy.

POSTPARTUM I'd like to:
* Hold baby below placenta level and to clamp cord ONLY after all pulsations have ceased, child breathes repeatedly and becomes pink. Assuring placental transfusion has been naturally completed prior to clamping.
* To give time for my baby to breath naturally before using any kind of breathing stimulation
* To hold my baby right away, on my chest with a warm blanket to begin bonding and breast feeding as soon as possible (putting off any procedures that aren't urgent provided there are no complications)
* To deliver the placenta naturally without any medication or pulling of umbilical cord but with nipple stimulation and massaging the uterus, allowing for natural uterine contractions to aid in the expulsion of the placenta.
* Don’t want oxytocin/Pitocin after delivering the placenta
* To breastfeed exclusively and on demand, no bottles/pacifies to be given to our baby
* Immediate ID band and 24-hour rooming-in with baby
* Pediatric exam and any necessary tests be done in our room and in our presence
* Absolutely NO immunizations / vaccinations
* Antibiotic eye drops is ok if really needed
* No vitamin K injection, oral dose instead of injection is accepted only if breastfeeding was not possible
* Do not bath baby; gently massage vernix coating baby skin to moisturizes & protect from infections
We respect the professional judgment of the doctors and will, of course, be flexible in the event of complications. We feel confident that everything will go normally inshaAllah. And in the unlikely case that emergency procedures have to be done, we trust that you will also discuss all our options (with their pros and cons) so we can make together a responsible decision.